Thursday, June 30, 2005

Paul Harvey; Good Day?

Has radio pundit Paul Harvey lost his marbles? This Friday, July 1st at 1:00 PM on KPFK Michael Benner and his guests discuss Harvey's recent commentary calling for the U.S. to use nuclear and biological weapons in Iraq. Michael's "Inner Vision" program on KPFK is heard on 90.7-FM throughout Southern California, 98.7-FM in Santa Barbara County, and streaming for the world at

Your comments are welcome here. Some may be read on KPFK-FM.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Inner Vision for Friday, June 24, '05

This week's guest on Inner Vision is the author of the book Wake Up or Break Up, Dr. Leonard Felder discussing steps for improving relationships --- especially for men who think it's a sign of weakness to feel and express their emotions.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Michael Benner at KPFK, 90.7-FM Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

KPFK Fund-raising

Three times per year KPFK-FM sets aside a few days for fund-raising ... an appeal to listeners to support this community alternative to commercial radio. My next two Inner Vision programs, Friday, June 10 and Friday, June 17 will be special two-our shows, 1:00 to 3:00 PM.

Please consider carefully this opportunity to become a sustaining member of the KPFK-Pacifica family by donating or pledging a contribution of any amount. The suggested annual subscription rate is just $50 per year --- money that is earmarked for essential expenses.

Remember, except for a small core staff, the vast majority of KPFK broadcasters and producers are volunteers who provide consciousness-expanding news and information you'll never hear on commercial radio.

Support KPFK by calling during either of our next two radio shows and pledging your support. 818-985-5735.

(Comments welcome here).

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