Friday, January 27, 2006

What Makes a Group Cultish?

What constitues a "cult?" What is "cultish behavior?" Can mainstream churches and other group be "cults?" Join us for Inner Vision, Friday afternoon at 1:00 PM, when host Michael Benner talks about "cults." He'll take your phone calls, too. That's Inner Vision with Michael Benner every Friday afternoon from one till two o'clock on KPFK, 90.7-FM all across Southern California, 98.7-FM in Santa Barbara County, and streaming for the world at KPFK-dot-org.

Your comments are welcome here. Thanks.

Friday, January 20, 2006

A Question of Balance

The "Question of Balance" has intrigued philosophers from ancient times. The host of Friday's "Inner Vision" program, Michael Benner, says living a "balanced life" goes far beyond "moderation" to include ways of thinking and feeling that few people ever consider.

Join Michael Benner for Inner Vision, Friday afternoons at one o'clock on KPFK, 90.7-FM in Southern California, 98.7-FM in Santa Barbara County, and streaming for the world at KPFK-dot-org.

You can download an MP3 of the show here. Your comments are welcome here. Thanks.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday - Peace & Justice

Dr. Martin Luther King Junior's civil rights activities were probably less controversial than his pacifistic support for revolutionary movements around the world. Join Michael Benner for Inner Vision, Friday the 13th at one o'clock to hear rare sound bytes of Dr. King speaking against the War in Vietnam plus his acceptence of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Your comments are welcome here.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Everyone suffers from stress and anxiety. So, what is it? Where does it come from? And what can we do about it? Listen to Inner Vision with host Michael Benner, Friday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock on KPFK, 90.7-FM in Southern California, 98.7-FM in Santa Barbara County, and streaming for the world at KPFK-dot-org.

You can download an MP3 of the show here. Your comments here are welcome.